About the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall convene an AGM for the purpose of an annual report on the status of the activities of the Association, election of Officers and such other agenda items determined necessary to the conduct of its business and according to the following:
- The President, with the concurrence of the BOD, shall call for an AGM to be held no later than August 31st .
- Notification of the time and place of the meeting shall be provided to all affiliated clubs and leagues at least ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled date of the AGM.
- Actions and policies adopted by the BOD and all proposed changes in the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations shall be reported to its membership, or their authorized representatives, at least once each year at the AGM, with notice and agenda of the meeting at least thirty-(30) days in advance of the AGM. Bylaws and Rules and shall be provided to the membership for review at least thirty (30) days prior to their consideration at the AGM.
- Provision shall be made to assure that those Affiliates choosing to cast their votes by absentee ballot have access and instructions to a system to so cast their votes.
- The Credentials Committee shall be the final authority on the votes that an Affiliate is eligible to cast.
- Procedures for casting absentee votes by a designated representative or through the FYSA Secretary shall be outlined in the Bylaws.
- The order of business for the AGM shall provide for such reports and general business as determined necessary to the conduct of business.
- FYSA shall provide to the Secretary General of the Federation an annual report on the activities of the Association and the most current annual financial statements within 90 days after the start of the Federation’s seasonal year.
- FYSA will (A) provide copies of its constitution, bylaws, rules, and other governing documents, (B) submit changes to the above for approval not later than 90 days after adoption, to the Federation, and (C) annually make copies of those documents available to its members.